Sunday, December 2, 2012

Muscovy Duck Starting to Lay Eggs

Our Muscovy ducks are starting to lay eggs (again).  This will be the 3rd clutch of Muscovy eggs that we have had this year.  We got this particular flock back in March 2013.  We purchased 8 Muscovy ducks at that time all together there were 4 males and 4 females.

We have since culled 2 males and 1 females.  Our Muscovy ducks are a mixed breed of Peking and  Muscovy.  They were much smaller than the Mallards that we raised.

We had a lot of excitement on this Farm previous that simply just was not photographed and/or video and we apologize for that, but are making an effort to correct that.   So without delay here is the picture of the first egg which was laid about a week ago (I'm just finding the time blog about it) :)

I actually caught this egg just after it was laid.  You can even see it is still wet.

The Muscovy is a native South American duck and appears to be the only domestic duck breed which is not a descendant of the Mallard. Muscovy drakes lack the curly tail feathers characteristic of drakes of all other breeds.

You can take a look at some of our actual Muscovy duck videos.

Stay tune for the video update next week. It's already made and wait to you see how many eggs that have been laid now!

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